To explore my scientific endeavor and teaching qualities so as I could exploit my technical knowledge and practical skills to efficiently achieve the organizational objectives. |
Teaching: UG and PG teaching (Bioinformatics, Animal Genomics, ICT) |
Research: In the areas of genomics, transcriptomics and bioinformatics |
Special duty: In charge Viral Research and Diagnostic Laboratory (Corona Lab) of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (21st October 2020 till date) |
Administration: Program Officer of National Service Scheme (NSS) of the College (2017 – till date)
In charge, Head of the Department of Bioinformatics, College of Animal Biotechnology, GADVASU, Ludhiana from 14/12/2020 to 15/01/2021
Members of various committees of the College and the Department of Bioinformatics |
Ph.D. (Animal Genetics and Breeding) |
2004-2008 |
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India |
7.9/10.0 |
M.V.Sc. (Animal Genetics and Breeding) |
2002-2004 |
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India |
8.0/10.0 |
B.V.Sc. and A. H. |
1997-2002 |
W.B.U.A.F.Sc. Kolkata, West Bengal, India |
62.94% |
M.Sc. (Information Technology) |
2009-2013 |
Punjab Technical University (Correspondence), India |
65.67% |
One year online Master Program Certificate course on “Artificial Intelligence Engineer” from Simplilearn, co-developed with IBM (https://www.simplilearn.com/) (2019-2020). |
Ph.D. Dissertation: |
Title: “ Investigations on Sperm Nuclear DNA and Y-Chromosome Specific Markers to Assess Subfertility Traits in Cattle and Buffalo Bulls”. |
M.V.Sc. Dissertation: |
Title: “Assessment of Fertility Vis-À-Vis Chromosome Profile of Crossbred Bulls”. |
Course Coordinator in Six Weeks Short Course on Bioinformatics organized in hybrid mode by the Department of Bioinformatics of the College of Animal Biotechnology during 17th May to 27th June 2022 (New Course Developed).
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Course Coordinator in 16 Days (divided into 4 modules) training program on “Artificial Intelligence for Students”, sponsored by NAHEP-IDP of GADVASU. The training is being organized during the months of January to March 2022.
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Course Coordinator in 3 days offline training on “Sensitization on basic bioinformatics for molecular data analysis”, organized at the College of Animal Biotechnology, from 22nd to 24th December 2021.
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Course coordinator in One day DBT funded online training on “SNP data analysis for detecting parentage in Animals” for students, researchers and academicians, organized on 23rd September 2021.
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Course coordinator in 21 Days DBT-funded e-Training course on “Skill Development on Advanced Bioinformatics in Genome Analysis of Livestock and Pets”, organized during 5th to 25th March 2021.
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Coordinator in four days online-training program on “Biocomputational interventions to analyze canine & livestock genomes” from 6th to 9th Oct 2020 (funded by PMU through ongoing DBT project on “Parentage determination and cytogenetic profiling in dogs”).
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Co-organizing Secretary in 12 Days online training on Biotechnological Approaches in Animal Research and Disease Diagnosis, organized during 1st to 12th February 2021.
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Chairman of the "Scientific Session" Committee & Member of Organizing Committee in the 21 Days ICAR-Winter School on “Recent Approaches in Animal Disease Diagnostics and Vaccinology”, organized at the School of Animal Biotechnology, during 26th September to 16th October’ 2017.
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Member of the Organizing Committee in Seven days International Workshop on “An Integrated View on Infectious Diseases, Food Safety and Zoonoses: One Health and Sustainable Economic Development”, organized jointly by the School of Animal Biotechnology and the School of Veterinary Public health, In collaboration with University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, during 13th to 19th November’ 2017.
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21 days online course on “Communication Skills and Technical Writing”, organized by Directorate Human Resource Management, CCS HAU, Hisar, Haryana, during 3rd to 23rd February 2020.
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21 days CAFT training program on “Phenomics and Genomic Evaluation of Dairy Animals for Sustainable Production”, organized by Animal Genetics and Breeding Department, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal (2nd to 22nd January 2020).
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“Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS) Training on Teaching Excellence.”, sponsored by NAARM-ICAR, during 1st November to 30th December’ 2019. The training was organized online (https://elearning.naarm.org.in).
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ICAR sponsored 21 Days CBP-Winter School on “Analysis of High Throughput Sequencing And Microarray Data to Unravel Host-Pathogen Interactions”, from 17th November to 7th December’ 2015 held at Biotech Division, IVRI, Izatnagar, UP.
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ICAR sponsored 21 days Training Program on “Recent Advances in Statistical Genetics” from 3rd to 23rd February, 2015, held at Centre of Advanced Faculty Training, Indian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute, New Delhi.
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NAIP Funded 10 days training programme on "Computational Aspect for NGS Data Analysis: A Sojourn from Lab to Field" (March 4th to March 13th 2014) Ome Research Facility, Department of Animal Biotechnology, AAU, Gujarat.
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ICAR-NAIP sponsored 14 Days National Training Programme on “RNA Interference: Concepts, Hands-on-Training and its Applications in Animal Biotechnology” organized during 17th to 30th October, 2013, at the Animal Biotechnology Centre, Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, JNKVV Campus, Adhartal, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India.
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ICAR sponsored 10 days short-course on “Metagenomics: Role of Next Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics” from 15th to 24th October’ 2012 at the Department of Animal Biotechnology, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388001, Gujarat, India.
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6 months Advanced Foreign Training on “Marker Assisted Selection and Functional Genomics” under the guidance of Dr. James Reecy, of the Department of Animal Science of Iowa State University, 2255 Kildee Hall, Ames IA 50011-3151, from 20th July’ 2011 to 19th January’ 2012; Sponsored by Punjab Farmers’ Commission, Punjab.
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7 days Training program on “Data Anaysis Using SAS” from 18th to 24th December’ 2010, organized by Statistical Computing Lab DES&M Division, NDRI, Karnal-132001.
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5 days sensitization program on “Soft Computing Techniques in Animal Bioinformatics” from 8th to 12th November’ 2010, organized by National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal -132001.
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ICAR sponsored 21 days Winter School on “Bioinformatics and Statistical Genomics” from 17th November to 7th December, 2009 held at Indian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute, New Delhi.
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ICAR sponsored 21 days National Training Programme on “Application of Bioinformatics Tools in Animal Genome Analysis” from 26th January to 16th February, 2009 held at the Department of Animal Biotechnology, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal.
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Two days SDS Training Course on “Application of Real Time PCR in Animal Genomics” imparted by Labindia Research and Development Laboratory, organized at GADVASU Ludhiana (18th-19th November, 2008).
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Successfully completed with passing grade in “DAT208x: Introduction to Python for Data Science” offered by online learning initiative of Microsoft Corporation through edX. Valid certificate ID: eda669ba14e34c7196aa51a295ddb187, issued on 24th March’ 2017.
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One day Workshop on Python: at Carmar Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA on 25th February’ 2017.
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Two days Workshop on Basic & Advanced UNIX workshop will be held at Gilman 2272, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; on 1st & 2nd March’ 2017.
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One day Workshop “Inclusive Classroom Faculty Development Workshop”, organized by Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching at 2030 Morrill Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; on 11th May’ 2017.
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One day workshop on “Potential of Sahiwal cattle in Punjab” at Auditorium, PAU, Ludhiana on 06/10/2015, Organized by Sahiwal Cattle Society, GADVASU, Ludhiana and State Animal Husbandry Department, Punjab.
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One day animal husbandry officer’s workshop at the Silver Jubilee block, GADVASU, Ludhiana on 29/08/2014, organized by Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana and State Animal Husbandry Department, Punjab.
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Workshop on Bioentrepreneurship Development, organized by Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) and co-sponsored by DBT, Govt. of India New Delhi on February 27, 2018, at Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi.
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International Workshop on “Genomic Selection for Genetic Improvement in Indian Dairy Animals”, organized by the Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation (BAIF) Development Research Foundation from November 28th to 29th’ 2017 at BAIF, Warje, Pune.
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International Workshop on “An Integrated View on Infectious Diseases, Food Safety and Zoonoses: One Health and Sustainable Economic Development”, organized jointly by the School of Animal Biotechnology and the School of Veterinary Public health, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University (GADVASU) from 13th to 19th November’ 2017.
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Alumni Association Meet’ 2017 at Pal Auditorium, PAU on 29th October’ 2017.
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PI in Extramurally Funded Projects |
Parentage determination vis-à-vis breed identification of indigenous canine through scanning the molecular signature panels |
DBT 2022-25 |
Parentage Determination and Cytogenetic Profiling in Dogs
(with the objectives to identify suitable molecular markers for accurate canine parentage detection vis-à-vis cytogenetic profiling in dogs) |
DBT 2018-21 |
TLR-Ligands: To Design Novel Vaccines Adjuvants Against New Castle Disease in Indigenous Chicken
(with the objective to design TLR-ligand based vaccine adjuvant in indigenous chicken against New Castles Disease) |
DBT 2014-17 |
Construction of miRNA library associated with Disease Resistance in Buffalo
(with the objectives to screen and characterize the array of endogenous miRNA (associated with disease resistance in Murrah buffalo) by high throughput sequencing of miRNA in cultured cells)
| SERB-DST 2012-15 |
RKVY Projects Project Name |
Identification of Species-specific markers for parentage determination in livestock
(to identify microsatellite markers with high exclusion probability for parentage detection in cattle and buffalo) |
RKVY 2018-20 |
Identification of tag-SNPs associated with New Castle disease susceptibility/resistance in commercial broiler vis-à-vis Aseel Chicken of Punjab
(to identify the tagging-SNPs associated with resistance/susceptibility to New Castle Disease in Indigenous and Commercial chicken) |
RKVY 2017-19 |
Identification and molecular characterization of miRNA repertoire in Murrah vis-à-vis Nili Ravi buffaloes of Punjab
(to screen & characterize the array of endogenous miRNA associated with production and reproduction traits in Murrah & Nilli Ravi buffalo of Punjab) |
RKVY 2014-16 |
Institutional Development Plan for Improved Learning Outcome, Skill and Entrepreneurship at GADVASU
PI: Dr. P. S. Brar/ Dr SPS Ghuman |
ICAR 2019-23 |
Characterization of Fecundity Gene in Assam Hill Goat
PI: Dr JS Arora |
DBT-NEH 2017-20 |
Molecular characterization of canine distemper virus field isolates for selection of suitable vaccine candidate(s)
PI: Dr. Dipak Deka |
DBT 2018-21 |
Genomics: Animal Genomics (ABT-609), Mol. Genetics in Animal Breeding (AGB-602) |
Classical Genetics and Cytogenetics: Cytogenetics & Immunogenetics (ABG-524), Basic Genetics (BT-102) |
Bioinformatics: Information and Communication Technology (ICT-301); Introductory Bioinformatics (Biotech-202); Introduction to Bioinformatics (ABT-608) |
Animal Reproduction: Reprod. Biotech. (ABT-610); Adv. in Reprod. Biotech. (ABT-703) |
PhD: Completed: 7; Continuing: 1 |
S.No. | Name (Roll) | Thesis Title | Area | Years |
1 | Jasdeep Singh (L-2011-ABT-02-D) | Differential miRNA profiling and Diseased and Healthy Buffaloes | Transcriptomics, Bioinformatics | 2011-15 |
2 | Sandeep Kaur (L-2012-ABT--04D) | Expression of Toll Like Receptors (TLR-4 and TLR-9) and inflammatory mediators (IL-1ß and TNF-α) vis-à-vis DNA fragmentation following Indoxacarb exposure | Environmental Biotechnology, Genomics | 2012-16 |
3 | Manmeet Kaur (L-2014- ABT-03-D) | Evaluation of Different Delivery Vehicles for optimum activity of TLR-Ligand based Vaccine Adjuvants Against Newcastle Disease in Chicken | Genomics | 2014-17 |
4 | Kirtypal Singh (L-2016-BT-02-D) | Identification of Microsatellite And SNP Markers for Parentage Determination in Bovines | Genomics | 2016-21 |
5 | Kanwaljeet Rana (L-2018-BT-01-D) | Molecular characterization of indigenous dogs through whole genome analysis | Bioinformatics | 2018-22 |
6 | Bhawanpreet Kaur (L-2019-BT-02-D) | Identification of Genome-Wide Tag-SNPS of Gaddi Dogs. Student | Bioinformatics | 2019-23 |
7 | Shilpa Tewari (L-2019-BT-05-D) | Differential Repertoire of Protein-Coding and Non-Coding RNA (ncRNA) Specific Genes in Exotic vis-à-vis Indigenous (Gaddi) Dogs. | Bioinformatics | 2019-23 |
8 | Jaswinder Kaur (L-2021-BT-05-D) | Exploring the systems biology through in-vitro study of differential transcriptomic analysis in indigenous versus exotic dogs. Student | Transcriptomics, Bioinformatics | 2021-24 |
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Masters (MSc/MVSc): Completed: 9; Continuing: 1 |
S.No. | Name (Roll) | Thesis Title | Area | Years |
1 | Jasdeep Singh (L-2009-ABT-02M) | Sex Chromosome Specific Microsatellite Polymorphism in Chicken | Molecular Genetics | 2009-11 |
2 | Amanpreet Kaur (L-2010-ABT-02-M) | The Role of Y-Chromosome Specific Genes on Sermatological Profile in Dairy Bulls | Molecular Genetics | 2010-12 |
3 | C. Jongmatoshi Jamir (L-2010-ABT-03-M) | Association of chromosomal profile with andrological attributes in dairy breeding bulls | Molecular Genetics | 2010-12 |
4 | Manmeet Kaur (L- 2010 ABT- 06-M) | Studies on Microsatellite Based Polymorphism of Y-Chromosome in Dairy Bulls | Molecular Genetics | 2010-12 |
5 | Jasdeep Kaur Dhanoa (L-2011-ABT-04-M) | Expression profiling of Leptin and Aromatase-P450 genes in semen of crossbred cattle and buffalo bulls | Molecular Genetics | 2011-13 |
6 | Jaspal Kaur (L-2013-ABT-04-M) | Cloning, sequencing and biocomputational analysis of drosha cds in Indian water buffalo | Biotechnology | 2013-15 |
7 | Naseer Ahmad Kutchai (L-2011-ABT-07-M) | Identification of molecular markers contributing to sperm chromatin integrity in cattle and buffalo bulls | Reproductive Genomics | 2011-13 |
8 | Shahid Hussain (L-2012-ABT-09-M) | Cloning, sequence analysis and expression of cathelicidin coding sequence in Indian water buffalo | Biotechnology | 2012-14 |
9 | Paramvir Singh (L-2018-BT-05-M) | Identification of host-pathogen interaction for Newcastle disease in chicken | Bioinformatics | 2018-21 |
10 | Dapinder Singh (L-2021-BT-01-M) | Population structure and genome-wide haplotype analysis among divergent breeds of dog | Bioinformatics | 2021-23 |
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Minor Advisor (Masters & PhD): Completed: 20; Continuing: 4 |
Appreciation award: by GADVASU for contributions towards establishment of COVID testing facility at GADVASU, Ludhiana; January 26, 2022. (Date of Award: January 26, 2022)
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Best Oral presentation award: Shiveeli Rajput, Jaspreet Singh Arora, Jasdeep Kaur Dhanoa, Chandrasekhar Mukhopadhyay and R. S. Sethi. Molecular Cloning, In silico Analysis and Structural Modelling of CXCR1 gene of Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), under the theme “Biotechnology” at National Symposium of Indian Society for Buffalo Development, Dec 10-11, 2021, held at GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab.
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Best poster award Jaswinder Kaur, Kanwaljit Rana and C.S Mukhopadhyay* on the topic of “BOON OF COW CURD CONSUMPTION” in National webinar on CowPathy and animal health on 16 December 2021
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Best poster award Parminder Kaur, CS Mukhopadhyay, Dipak Deka and Yashpal Singh Malik. Genetic and Evolutionary Analysis of NS 1 genes of Porcine Parvovirus 1 India, during the Conference on Advances in Microbial Technologies (AIMT 2021 held on Dec 01 02 2021)
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Best Researcher Award of the Year 2018-19 given away by Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University on 29th may 2019
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“Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships” (FNAPE: Research-2016-17), an international educational exchange program sponsored by the USA government, for 9 months (August’ 2016 to May’ 2017) to conduct research at Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, USA.
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Best poster award for poster presentation: Choudhary S, Choudhary R, Mukhopadhyay CS, Pathak D, Verma R. 2017. “Transcriptome of prepubertal buffalo mammary gland is dominated by very rarely expressed genes”. Poster presented in 27th Annual Meeting of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) (January’ 2017), At AIIMS, New Delhi
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Best poster award titled “Exploration of Evolutionary relatedness between different eukaryotic pathogen recognition receptors using in silico approach” as a team in International Winter School on Role of Molecular Biology in Disease Diagnosis and Development of New Generation Vaccines from 14th – 20th November 2016 at School of Animal Biotechnology, GADVASU, Ludhiana in collaboration with University of Saskatchewan, Canada authored by R. Bhardwaj, R.S. Sethi, J.S. Arora, S. Kaur and Mukhopadhyay CS.
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Best poster award for the presentation “Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Bubaline Toll Like Receptor-4 (TLR-4) Coding Sequence”, authored by Rabia Bhardwaj, GS Brah, JS Arora, Ramneek and Mukhopadhyay CS, in the Technical session II, Biotechnology in Animal Health and Production (2.P.10), in the 34th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Veterinary Medicine in February’ 2016 & National Symposium, held at GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
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Best poster award: “In vitro analysis showing the linkage between HSF1 and cellular thermos-tolerance in Zebu and crossbred non-lactating cattle” authored by JK Gill, JS Arora, B.V. Sunil Kumar, Mukhopadhyay CS and Simarjit Kaur. 2016, In the 15th convocation NAVS on sustainable livestock development for food and national security: way forward at Khalsa College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Amritsar, Punjab on 22nd-23rd October’ 2016.
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Best Poster award: “Long term ethion and endotoxin interaction induces genotoxicity and pulmonary damage in mice”, authored by Geetika Verma, Mukhopadhyay CS, Ramneek and RS Sethi. 2016, in the International Winter School on "Role of Molecular Biology in the disease diagnostics and next generation vaccine" held at GADVASU, Ludhiana in collaboration with University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
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Received Second Best Paper Award in the Indian Journal of Dairy Science for the manuscript “Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of holandric genes and association with sperm nuclear maturity in bovines” authored by Amanpreet Kaur, C.S. Mukhopadhyay, J. S. Arora, G. S. Brah, Simarjeet Kaur and C. J. Jamir. The award was conferred at the Valedictory Session of the 44th Dairy Industry Conference, held on 20th February, 2016 in the National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal.
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Best Poster Award for Integrated Training program in Infectious Disease, Food Safety and Public Policy (NSERC-CREATE) Summer School, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. Pallvi, RS Sethi, Nidhi, Shanti Choudhary, Mukhopadhyay CS, Daljit Kaur, Ramneek, Baljit Singh. 2014. Expression of TLR4 mRNA in lungs after single and multiple exposures to poultry barn air.
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University Merit Scholarship during M.V.Sc. & Ph.D. at NDRI, Karnal during 2002-2004 and 2004 to 2007 respectively.
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Awarded Third Prize in “Rajbhasha Pakhwada Samaroha” for poster presentation on “Kshetriyo Paristhityon mein Karn Fries Sando ki Janan Kshamata Ki Akalan”, [Authors: Mukhopadhya CS and Verma A] organized at NDRI, Karnal (14th to 30th September’ 2006).
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First Year Annual Member of Fulbright Association (http://fulbright.org/)
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Member of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS): AAAS membership # 41548343
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Life Member of Indian Science Congress Association (LM No. L14300)
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Life Member of Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity (LM No. 238)
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Life Member of Indian Association of Medical Informatics (LM No. PL11591)
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Life Member of Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) (LM No. 1085)
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Life Member of Association for the Promotion of DNA Fingerprinting and other DNA Technologies (ADNAT) (LMS-848)
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Life member of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases (IAVMI) (LMC No. 1161)
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Life member of Society for Immunology & Immunopathology (SIIP))
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Life member of Vet Alumnus, GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
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Mukhopadhyay CS, Choudhary RK, Panwar H and Malik YS (Eds). 2023. Biotechnological Interventions Augmenting Livestock Health and Production. Springer Nature Singapore. ISBN: 9819922089, 9789819922086
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Kalambhe D, Bhanot R, Malik H, Mukhopadhyay CS and Gill JPS. (Editors). 2022. The Indigenous Dogs of India: The Forgotten Treasure. Published by Project Monitoring Unit- DBT-GADVASU-CRC, Directorate of Research, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana. ISBN: 978-93-5659-734-1
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Kalambhe D, Panwar H, Dash SK, Sharma A and Mukhopadhyay CS (Eds). 2022. .e-Compendium of the online “Training on artificial intelligence for students”, organized during January to March 2022. Published under Institutional Development Plan (IDP), Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab. Edition-I. ISBN: 978-93-5636-707-4.
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Ramneek, RS Sethi, Ratan K Choudhary, Mukhopadhyay CS. 2017. Recent Approaches in Animal Disease Diagnostics and Vaccinology. Eds. Ramneek, RS Sethi, Ratan K Choudhary, Mukhopadhyay CS. Book-cum-Compendium of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi sponsored Winter School, at School of Animal Biotechnology, GADVASU, Ludhiana. ISBN: 978-81- 933-81038 (Editor).
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Mukhopadhyay CS, RK Choudhary, MA Iquebal. 2017. Basic Applied Bioinformatics-A Beginner's Guide for Students. John Wiley & Sons Limited; USA. ISBN: 9781119244332
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Bioinformatic approaches for livestock genome analysis. 2015. Eds. U. Singh, S. Kumar, Mukhopadhyay CS, R. Deb, R. R. Alyethodi, R. Alex, K. Dhama, and I Ganguly. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, India, ISBN: 9789384053017 (Editor).
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Mukhopadhyay CS and Kaur B. 2023. NGS-based biomarkers in livestock. In: Biotechnological Interventions Augmenting Livestock Health and Production. Mukhopadhyay CS, Choudhary RK, Panwar H and Malik YS (Eds). Springer Nature Singapore. ISBN: 9819922089, 9789819922086. | |
Mukhopadhyay CS and Jadoun YS. 2023. Promises and premises of applications of artificial intelligence in animal health. In: Biotechnological Interventions Augmenting Livestock Health and Production. Mukhopadhyay CS, Choudhary RK, Panwar H and Malik YS (Eds). Springer Nature Singapore. ISBN: 9819922089, 9789819922086. | |
Kaur B and Mukhopadhyay CS. 2023. Artificial Intelligence-Driven, loT-based Technologies in Agriculture: A Review. In: Biotechnological Interventions Augmenting Livestock Health and Production. Mukhopadhyay CS, Choudhary RK, Panwar H and Malik YS (Eds). Springer Nature Singapore. ISBN: 9819922089, 9789819922086. | |
Jadoun YS, Mukhopadhyay CS, and Singh A. 2023. e-Agriculture Diaspora: Heralding a new era of animal farming and agricultural practices, In: Biotechnological Interventions Augmenting Livestock Health and Production. Mukhopadhyay CS, Choudhary RK, Panwar H and Malik YS (Eds). Springer Nature Singapore. ISBN: 9819922089, 9789819922086. | |
Mukhopadhyay CS and Kaur B. 2022. Applications of Tag-SNPs in Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Identification. In Genomic, Proteomics, and Biotechnology. Eds. RC Sobti, M Mukesh, A Sobti. Chapter 6. 1st Edition. CRC Press- Taylor and Francis Group. Boca Raton. eBook ISBN 9781003220831. | |
Mukhopadhyay CS, Amit Kumar, Rajib Deb. 2019. Cattle genomics: genome projects, current status, and future applications. Genomics and Biotechnological Advances in Veterinary, Poultry, and Fisheries. Eds.YS Malik, D Barh, V Azevedo and SMP Khurana. Academic Press, Elsevier. First Edition. 3-28. ISBN: 9780128163528. | |
R Deb, Mukhopadhyay CS, GS Sengar, AS da Cruz, DC Silva, IP Pinto, LB Minasi, EOA Costa, and AD da Cruz. 2019 Genetic markers for improving farm animals. Genomics and Biotechnological Advances in Veterinary, Poultry, and Fisheries. Eds.YS Malik, D Barh, V Azevedo and SMP Khurana. Academic Press, Elsevier. First Edition. 107-129 ISBN: 9780128163528. | |
R Chawla, JS Arora, RK Dubey, CS Mukhopadhyay 2018. Omics Approaches and Applications in Dairy and Food Processing Technology. Eds. Debmalya Barh, Vasco Azevedo. In Omics Technologies and Bio-Engineering. Elsevier Science & Technology Publishers. 271-295. ISBN: 9780128046593. | |
Mukhopadhyay CS, Verma R, Singh J. 2017. Extraction and qPCR based detection of miRNAs from cultured PBMCs of bubaline origin. [Mossman, Karen] In: “Innate Antiviral Immunity: Methods and Protocols”. Publisher Humana Press; Series Vol. 1656; eBook ISBN: 978-1-4939-7237-1, Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4939-7236-4, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-7237-1; Series ISSN: 1064-3745. | |
Iquebal, M. A., Jaiswal, S., Mukhopadhyay, C.S., Sarkar, C., Rai, A. and Kumar, D. 2015. Applications of Bioinformatics in Plant and Agriculture. [Editors Barh,D., Khan M.S., Davies, E.] In: PlantOmics: The Omics of Plant Science, Edition: First, Chapter: Applications of Bioinformatics in Plant and Agriculture, Spinger Publications. pp.755-789 DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2172-2_2. | |
Mukhopadhyay, C.S. 2015. Designing and In silico quality checking of PCR primers. In Bioinformatic Approaches for Livestock Genome Analysis. Eds. U. Singh, S. Kumar, Mukhopadhyay, C.S., R. Deb, R. R. Alyethodi, R. Alex, K. Dhama, and I. Ganguly. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, India. Pp. 23-76. ISBN: 9789384053017.
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Mukhopadhyay, C.S. and S.S. Osahan. 2015. Sequence alignment: concepts and methods. In Bioinformatic Approaches for Livestock Genome Analysis. Eds. U. Singh, S. Kumar, Mukhopadhyay, C.S., R. Deb, R. R. Alyethodi, R. Alex, K. Dhama, and I. Ganguly. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, India. Pp. 77-112. ISBN: 9789384053017.
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Mukhopadhyay, C.S. 2015. Submitting Nucleotide sequence to Bankit. In Bioinformatic Approaches for Livestock Genome Analysis. Eds. U. Singh, S. Kumar, Mukhopadhyay, C.S., R. Deb, R. R. Alyethodi, R. Alex, K. Dhama, and I. Ganguly. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, India. Pp. 113-136. ISBN: 9789384053017.
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Mukhopadhyay, C.S. and S.S. Osahan. 2015. Molecular phylogeny: basics, methods and applications. In Bioinformatic Approaches for Livestock Genome Analysis. Eds. U. Singh, S. Kumar, Mukhopadhyay, C.S., R. Deb, R. R. Alyethodi, R. Alex, K. Dhama, and I. Ganguly. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, India. Pp. 137-156. ISBN: 9789384053017.
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Sarika, M.A. Iquebal, Mukhopadhyay, C.S., P. G. Koringa, A. Rai, C.G. Joshi and D. Kumar. 2015. Genome annotation in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. In Bioinformatic Approaches for Livestock Genome Analysis. Eds. U. Singh, S. Kumar, Mukhopadhyay, C.S., R. Deb, R. R. Alyethodi, R. Alex, K. Dhama, and I. Ganguly. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, India. Pp. 247-278. ISBN: 9789384053017. | |
Mukhopadhyay, C.S. and Dinesh Kumar. 2013. Applications of SNP-Chip in Bovine Selection. In. Advances in Cattle Research [Eds. U. Singh, S. Kumar, A. Kumar, R. Deb and A. Sharma]. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi-110033, India. Pp. 1-18. ISBN: 9789381226421. | |
Mukhopadhyay, C.S., P.P. Dubey and A.K. Gupta. 2013. Assessment of Sperm Chromatin Compactness and Integrity in Mammalian Semen Sample. In. Genetic Improvement of Livestock and Poultry [Eds. Singh, C.V.& Barwhal R.S.]. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. Pp. 275-283. ISBN: 9381450821; 9789381450826. | |
Mukhopadhyay CS. 2022. Delivered one expert lecture in the online session on “Genetics” scheduled on July 9, 2022 (Saturday) at 10:00 am, as part of the Capacity Building Programme for Senior Secondary Level Biology teachers in Police DAV School. Ludhiana (Ref. No. PDAV/U/2022/5673; Dated: 09/07/2022)
Mukhopadhyay CS. 2021. Understanding the scripting differences between R and Python on 11th March 2021, during the 21 days DBT funded e training course on “Skill Development on Advanced Bioinformatics in Genome Analysis of Livestock and Pets” organized by the College of Animal Biotechnology and DBT CRCN Project Monitoring Unit of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, from 5th to 25th March 2021 under the research project Parentage determination and cytogenetic profiling in dogs.
Mukhopadhyay CS and K Rana. 2021. Alignment of Sequences and Phylogenetic Analysis. 2021. CAAST-ACLH-NAHEP sponsored training course entitled “Basic and applied bioinformatics in Animal Sciences” organized online by Bioinformatics centre, IVRI, Izatnagar, UP, on 10th February 2021.
Mukhopadhyay CS, Geetika Kaur, and H.K. Manku. 2021. Biocomputational novel identification of microRNAs from whole-genome shotgun sequences, in 12 days (1-12 February 2021) online International Training Course on “Biotechnological Approaches in Animal Research and Disease Diagnosis”, organized by the College of Animal Biotechnology, GADVASU, Ludhiana.
Mukhopadhyay CS. 2021. Evolutionary and phylogenetic studies of viral diseases by using bioinformatics tools, during the DBT training program on “Skill development in viral disease diagnosis and prophylaxis” organized under DBT Canine Research Centre & Networks (CRCN) funded research project “Molecular characterization of Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) field isolates for the selection of suitable vaccine candidate(s)” during Jan 5-11, 2021.
Mukhopadhyay CS. 2020. Primer Design for Eukaryotic Gene Expression. Invited talk (on 9th November 2020) in ten days online training on “Recent Advances in Analytical Biochemistry techniques, its applications and interpretations”, organized by College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, MAFSU, Parbhani, during 2nd to 11th November 2020.
Mukhopadhyay CS, MA Iquebal, S Jaiswal and D Kumar. 2020. BLR and rrBLUP: two handy and useful packages for genomic selection. Invited talk presented on 21st February 2020 (Forenoon), in the ICAR sponsored 21 days CAFT program entitled “Advanced Bioinformatics Techniques for Mapping and GWAS using NGS Data”, organized at ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi (6th to 26th February 2020).
Mukhopadhyay CS and D Kumar. 2020. Weighted gene co-expression network analysis: identifying the hub-genes in genome-wide expression study through R-package WGCNA. Invited talk presented on 21st February 2020 (Afternoon), in the ICAR sponsored 21 days CAFT program entitled “Advanced Bioinformatics Techniques for Mapping and GWAS using NGS Data”, organized at ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi (6th to 26th February 2020).
Mukhopadhyay CS. 2020. Bioinformatics: Concept, Dimensions & Applications. Invited talk presented on 17th February 2020, at Punjab College of Technical Education (PCTE), Bhadowal, Ludhiana.
Mukhopadhyay CS, V. Vohra and D. Kumar. 2020. Analysing genomic selection data using R packages: Hands-on. Invited talk presented on 10th January 2020, in the ICAR sponsored 21 days CAFT program entitled “Phenomics and Genomic Evaluation of Dairy Animals for Sustainable Production”, organized at ICAR-NDRI, Karnal (2nd to 22nd January 2020).
Mukhopadhyay CS and JS Arora. 2019. Bioinformatics Approaches to Analyze Molecular Epidemiological Data. Invited talk presented on 12th November 2019 in the ICAR Short Training Course on "Advances in Molecular Epidemiology in Veterinary Research", organized at School of Public Health & Zoonoses, GADVASU, Ludhiana (10-19, December 2019).
Sonal Saxena and Mukhopadhyay CS. 2019. Computational Approaches in Biotechnology for Beginners. “National Workshop cum Training Programme on Computational Approaches in Biotechnology for Beginners”. Organized at the Division of Animal Biotechnology, ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, UP, India, from 11th to 15th March 2019.
Mukhopadhyay CS and J S Arora. 2018. An introduction to "R" for data handling and analysis. ICAR-Summer School on “Applied Aspects of Statistical Modeling and Inferences in Veterinary and Animal Sciences”. Organized at the Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, from August 21 to September 10, 2018. (PP: 47-59)
SS Sodhi and Mukhopadhyay CS. 2018. Finding correct correlation measures. ICAR-Summer School on “Applied Aspects of Statistical Modeling and Inferences in Veterinary and Animal Sciences”. Organized at the Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, from August 21 to September 10, 2018. (PP 100-108).
SS Sodhi and Mukhopadhyay CS. 2018. Rank tests: Mann Whitney’s U test, Wilcoxon rank sum and signed rank tests. ICAR-Summer School on “Applied Aspects of Statistical Modeling and Inferences in Veterinary and Animal Sciences”. Organized at the Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, from August 21 to September 10, 2018. (PP. 113-122)
JK Dhanoa, JS Arora, Mukhopadhyay CS, SS Sodhi and MK Taluja. 2018. RT qPCR data analysis and expression profiling. ICAR-Summer School on “Applied Aspects of Statistical Modeling and Inferences in Veterinary and Animal Sciences”. Organized at the Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, from August 21 to September 10, 2018. (PP 182-186)
Mukhopadhyay CS and SS Sodhi. 2018. Rational selection of Post-HOC tests in ANOVA. ICAR-Summer School on “Applied Aspects of Statistical Modeling and Inferences in Veterinary and Animal Sciences”. Organized at the Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, from August 21 to September 10, 2018. (PP. 279-281)
Mukhopadhyay CS and H.K. Manku. 2018. Biocomputational novel identification of microRNAs from whole genome shotgun sequences. In ICAR funded 21 days CAFT program (9th February –1st March’ 2018) on “Application on OMICS Tools and Techniques for Agricultural Germplasm Improvements”, organized at ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi. Delivered on 24th February’ 2018 (FN).
Mukhopadhyay CS and Dinesh Kumar. 2018 GWAS by integration of SNP and RNA Seq data. In ICAR funded 21 days CAFT program (9th February –1st March’ 2018) on “Application on OMICS Tools and Techniques for Agricultural Germplasm Improvements”, organized at ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi. Delivered on 24th February’ 2018 (AN).
Ramneek, D Deka, Mukhopadhyay CS and R S Sethi. 2017. Pathogen detection: Perspective of conventional and recent diagnostic methods. In compendium of ICAR-Winter School on “Recent Approaches in Animal Disease Diagnostics and Vaccinology”, organized at School of Animal Biotechnology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India during 26th September to 16th October’ 2017: 1-5. ISBN:
JS Arora, A Sharma, M Kaur and Mukhopadhyay CS. 2017. Genomic DNA isolation from PBMCs. In compendium of ICAR-Winter School on “Recent Approaches in Animal Disease Diagnostics and Vaccinology”, organized at School of Animal Biotechnology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India during 26th September to 16th October’ 2017: 6-9
J S Arora, P P Dubey, Mukhopadhyay CS and R K Choudhary. 2017. Marker-assisted selection for disease resistance in animals. In compendium of ICAR-Winter School on “Recent Approaches in Animal Disease Diagnostics and Vaccinology”, organized at School of Animal Biotechnology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India during 26th September to 16th October’ 2017: 14-17
R S Sethi, AA Pandit, Mukhopadhyay CS and Ramneek. 2017. The role of immunohistochemistry in disease diagnosis. In compendium of ICAR-Winter School on “Recent Approaches in Animal Disease Diagnostics and Vaccinology”, organized at School of Animal Biotechnology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India during 26th September to 16th October’ 2017: 110-113
Mukhopadhyay CS, JK Dhanoa, R K Choudhary, JS Arora and Ramneek Verma. 2017. Analysis of evolutionary/phylogenetic relationship for animal pathogens. In compendium of ICAR-Winter School on “Recent Approaches in Animal Disease Diagnostics and Vaccinology”, organized at School of Animal Biotechnology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India during 26th September to 16th October’ 2017: 120-131
Mukhopadhyay CS, M Kaur, R S Sethi, D Deka, S P Singh. 2017. Application of bioinformatics tools in microbial genetics and metagenomics. In compendium of ICAR-Winter School on “Recent Approaches in Animal Disease Diagnostics and Vaccinology”, organized at School of Animal Biotechnology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India during 26th September to 16th October’ 2017: 132-145
Mukhopadhyay CS, RS Sethi and JK Dhanoa. 2017. Bioinformatics Approaches for Clinical Diagnosis of Animal Diseases: Hands On. In compendium of ICAR sponsored CAFT Training College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India during 17th November to 7th December’ 2017: 123-153
Dinesh Kumar, MA Iquebal, Sarika, Anil Rai and Mukhopadhyay CS. 2017. Global status of domestic animal bioinformatics: Where do we stand? In compendium of ICAR-Winter School on “Omic Technologies and Modern Breeding Approaches for Conservation and Productivity Enhancement of Indigenous Cattle Resources”, delivered on 17th November’ 2017, organized at ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Grass Farm Road, Meerut, UP, India during 1st to 21st November’ 2017. 59-65
Mukhopadhyay CS, J Singh and R S Sethi. 2017. MicroRNA databases: An Introduction. In compendium of ICAR-Winter School on “Omic Technologies and Modern Breeding Approaches for Conservation and Productivity Enhancement of Indigenous Cattle Resources”, delivered on 10th November’ 2017, organized at ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Grass Farm Road, Meerut, UP, India during 1st to 21st November’ 2017. 66-82
Mukhopadhyay CS, R K Choudhary and Dinesh Kumar. 2017. Genomic Selection hands on using R-packages and GenSel software. In compendium of ICAR-Winter School on “Omic Technologies and Modern Breeding Approaches for Conservation and Productivity Enhancement of Indigenous Cattle Resources”, delivered on 10th November’ 2017, organized at ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Grass Farm Road, Meerut, UP, India during 1st to 21st November’ 2017. 93-136.
Mukhopadhyay CS, Ved Prakash and Dinesh Kumar. 2016. Marker Assisted Breeding: Hands on using R packages (BLR and rrBLUP), delivered on 26th February’ 2016, in the ICAR sponsored CAFT programme on Computational Tools and Techniques for Molecular Data Analysis in Agriculture, organized from 11th February to 2nd March‘ 2016 at CABin, ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi.
Mukhopadhyay CS and HK Manku. 2016. Biocomputational identification of microRNAs and prediction of miRNA-targets, delivered on 27th February’ 2016, in the ICAR sponsored CAFT programme on Computational Tools and Techniques for Molecular Data Analysis in Agriculture, organized from 11th February to 2nd March‘ 2016 at CABin, ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi.
Mukhopadhyay CS, R. K. Choudhary and Dinesh Kumar. 2016. Genomic Selection Hands on: Using GenSel and rrBLUP package, delivered on 22nd January’ 2016, in the ICAR sponsored short course “Bioinformatics Tools for Analysis of genomic and Proteomic Data in Livestock and Poultry”, organized from 19th to 29th January’ 2016 at ICAR-NBAGR, Karnal, Haryana, India.
Mukhopadhyay CS, R. K. Choudhary, T. K. Datta and Dinesh Kumar. 2015. Genomic Selection: Concept, Methodologies and Application in Ameliorating Male Fertility in Bovines, delivered on 16th December’ 2015, in the ICAR sponsored Training program “Crossbred Male Infertility and Bovine Genomics”, organized from 8-17th December, 2015 at Biotechnology Division, NDRI, Karnal, India.
Mukhopadhyay CS and Dinesh Kumar. 2015. Implications of Genome Wide Association Studies in Dairy Cattle Breeding (Theory) in 21 Days CATF Training Program on “Advanced Tools for Analysis of Phenomic and Genomic Data” delivered on 24th March’ 2015 at NDRI, Karnal, India, organized during 5th to 25th March’ 2015.
Mukhopadhyay CS and Dinesh Kumar. 2014. Strategies for Genome wide Association Studies in Livestock (Theory). Short course on Training Program on “Advanced Molecular and Bioinformatics Approaches for Genome Characterization of Indigenous Animal Genetic Resources” delivered on 6th December’ 2014 at NBAGR, Karnal, India, organized during 1st to 10th December’ 2014. (Page 175-187).
Mukhopadhyay CS 2014. Demonstration of software/ tools for genomic selection (Practical). Short course on Training Program on “Advanced Molecular and Bioinformatics Approaches for Genome Characterization of Indigenous Animal Genetic Resources” delivered on 6th December’ 2014 at NBAGR, Karnal, India, organized during 1st to 10th December’ 2014. (Page 188-194).
S. K. Niranjan, R. S. Kataria, Mukhopadhyay CS and SK Mishra. 2014. Web Resources and Tools for Candidate Gene Analysis. Short course on Training Program on “Advanced Molecular and Bioinformatics Approaches for Genome Characterization of Indigenous Animal Genetic Resources” delivered on 6th December’ 2014 at NBAGR, Karnal, India, organized during 1st to 10th December’ 2014. (Page 106-125).
Mukhopadhyay CS 2014. In silico tools used for primer designing, sequence analysis, submission of nucleotide to Bankit (NCBI). DBT Sponsored Short Term Training Course on Molecular Tools and Bioinformatics Approaches for Livestock Genome Analysis, delivered on 13th September’ 2014 at Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Grass Farm Road, Meerut, UP, organized during 10th to 30th September’ 2014. (Page 86-120).
Mukhopadhyay CS 2014. Molecular Phylogeny: Basics, Methods and Applications. DBT Sponsored Short Term Training Course on Molecular Tools and Bioinformatics Approaches for Livestock Genome Analysis, delivered on 13th September’ 2014 at Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Grass Farm Road, Meerut, UP, organized during 10th to 30th September’ 2014. (Page 121-130)
Mukhopadhyay CS and Singh, J. 2014. MicroRNAs: Basics, Implications and Modulation in Improving Disease Resistance. DBT Sponsored Short Term Training Course on Molecular Tools and Bioinformatics Approaches for Livestock Genome Analysis, delivered on 13th September’ 2014 at Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Grass Farm Road, Meerut, UP, organized during 10th to 30th September’ 2014. (Page 67-73)
Kumar, D., Iquebal, M.A., Sarika, Rai,A. and Mukhopadhyay CS 2014. Global Status of Domestic Animal Bioinformatics: Where do we Stand? DBT Sponsored Short Term Training Course on Molecular Tools and Bioinformatics Approaches for Livestock Genome Analysis, delivered on 13th September’ 2014 at Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Grass Farm Road, Meerut, UP, organized during 10th to 30th September’ 2014. (Page 1-6).
Mukhopadhyay CS and Dinesh Kumar. 2013. Whole Genome Association Studies: Basics and Applications (Theory & Practical Session). Short course on Training Program on "Computational Tools for Animal Genome Data Analysis "Under NAIP funded project National Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid” delivered on 10th December’ 2013 at NBAGR, Karnal, organized during 2nd to 13th December’ 2013.
Mukhopadhyay CS and J. Singh. 2013. MicroRNAs: Its implications and challenges. ICAR-NAIP Funded short term national training programme on “RNA Interference: Concepts, Hands-on-Training and its Applications in Animal Biotechnology”, delivered on 22nd October, 2013 at the Animal Biotechnology Centre, Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, JNKVV Campus, Adhartal, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India, organized during 17th to 30th October, 2013.
Sarika, M.A. Iquebal, Mukhopadhyay CS, Anil Rai, and Dinesh Kumar. 2013. Global Status of Agricultural Bioinformatics: Challenges for India. Workshop cum training programme on "Application of Bioinformatics Tools and Techniques in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Life Sciences", delivered by Dr. Dinesh Kumar on 21st October’ 2013, at the Bioinformatics Centre, Department of Fisheries Economics and Statistics, College Of Fisheries Sciences, Central Agricultural University, Lembucherra, Agartala, Tripura, India, organized during 21st to 23rd October,2013.
Mukhopadhyay CS 2013. Potential biomarkers to identify high fertility bulls. ICAR sponsored “Updates on male infertility, semen technology and quality oocyte production”, delivered on 25th September’ 2013 at Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, GADVASU, Ludhiana, organized during 16th September to 7th October’ 2013
Mukhopadhyay CS and Dinesh Kumar. 2013. Genomic Selection: Concept, Methodologies and Application in Animal Science (Theory & Practical Session). NAIP subproject "Establishment of National Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid (NABG) in ICAR", delivered on 22nd February’ 2013 at NBAGR, Karnal, organized during 18th to 28th February, 2013.
Mukhopadhyay CS and Dinesh Kumar. 2013. I. Analysis of SNP-Array Data for Prediction of Molecular Breeding value (P); II. Weighted Gene Co-expression network Analysis using Transcriptome Data (P) (Practical Session). DBT Funded short term training programme on “Functional Genomic Analysis for Livestock Improvement”, delivered on 23rd January’ 2013 at Project Directorate on Cattle, Grass Farm Road, Meerut, UP, organized during 22nd January’ 2013 to 4th February’ 2013.
Mukhopadhyay CS and Dinesh Kumar. 2013. Genomic Selection: Its Prospects and Challenges (Theory Session). DBT Funded short term training programme on “Functional Genomic Analysis for Livestock Improvement”, delivered on 23rd January’ 2013 at Project Directorate on Cattle, Grass Farm Road, Meerut, UP, organized during 22nd January’ 2013 to 4th February’ 2013.
Dinesh Kumar and Mukhopadhyay CS 2013. Genome Annotation in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. DBT Funded short term training programme on “Functional Genomic Analysis for Livestock Improvement”, delivered on 23rd January’ 2013 at Project Directorate on Cattle, Grass Farm Road, Meerut, UP, organized during 22nd January’ 2013 to 4th February’ 2013.
Mukhopadhyay CS 2013. Primer designing, Sequence analysis, alignment, Submission of nucleotide sequence to Bankit (NCBI) (Practical Session). DBT Funded short term training programme on “Functional Genomic Analysis for Livestock Improvement”, delivered on 23rd January’ 2013 at Project Directorate on Cattle, Grass Farm Road, Meerut, UP, organized during 22nd January’ 2013 to 4th February’ 2013.
Mukhopadhyay CS 2013. Genome wide association studies and genomic selection: promises and premises. Training programme on Statistical Approaches for Genomic Data Analysis under the NAIP funded project Establishment of National Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid for ICAR, delivered on 17th January’ 2013 at IASRI, New Delhi, organized during 7th to 19th January’ 2013.
Mukhopadhyay CS and Dinesh Kumar. 2012. SNP chip development and genome wide association studies in livestock (Theory & Practical Session). Summer short course on “Genomic and Phenomic tools for the analysis of livestock genome” delivered on 16th June’ 2012 at NBAGR, Karnal, organized during 14th to 23rd June, 2012.
Mukhopadhyay CS and Dinesh Kumar. 2012. Genome-Wide Association Study: Its Implications and Applications” (Theory & Practical Session). In ICAR sponsored Subject Training on “Advances in Animal Bioinformatics” delivered on 27th February’ 2012 at NBAGR, Karnal, organized during February 21- March 3, 2012.
Mukhopadhyay CS 2011. Metagenomics: Basics and its Implications. “Advances in Bioprocessing/ Bioengineering and Quality Assessment Techniques” Delivered on 20th June’ 2011 at CIPHET, Ludhiana, organized during 1-21st June’ 2011.
B.R. Yadav, Mukhopadhyay CS and A.K. Gupta. 2007. Genome Analysis Using Various Molecular Genetics Software. In the compendium of National Training Programme organized by CAS DCB Division (NDRI, Karnal) on “Genetic Analysis of animal Breeding Data Using Advanced Software Packages”, organized during 10th to 30th October, 2007.
Mukhopadhyay CS, A.K. Gupta and B.R. Yadav. 2006. Molecular Tools to Investigate the Fertilizing Potential of the Males. In the compendium of National Training Programme organized by CAS DCB Division (NDRI, Karnal) on “Advanced Animal Breeding Technologies for Improvement of Livestock”, organized during 17th March to 6th April, 2006 (Page 93-97).
B.R. Yadav, T.C. Tolenkhomba, D.S. Kale and Mukhopadhyay CS 2006. Molecular Markers- Applications in Livestock Species. In the compendium of National Training Programme organized by CAS (DCB Division; NDRI, Karnal) on “Advanced Animal Breeding Technologies for Improvement of Livestock”, organized during from 17th March to 6th April, 2006 (Page 90-92).
Attended Abroad | |
One day Symposium on "Genie in a Bottle: The Microbiome in Health and Disease", on 20th October’ 2016, Organized jointly by ISU and North Central Branch of the American Society for Microbiology, at Alumni Center; 420 Beach Ave, Ames, Iowa, USA (http://www.vpresearch.iastate.edu/en/microbiome__antimicrobial_resistance_symp osium/) | |
One day Conference on "Designing optimal genetic improvement and agronomic systems" at Alumni Center. Iowa State University, on 29th November’ 2016 (http://register.extension.iastate.edu/dogias/program) | |
“Plant and Animal Genome Conference”, at San Diego, CA from 14th to 18th January’ 2017: Presented poster on “Identification of isomiRs Vis-à-Vis Functional Classification of the Target-Genes Associated with Brucellosis and Paratuberculosis” | |
Spring 2017 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Seminar on “Building a Sustainable Future: Innovative Approaches for Our Environment and Our Oceans” at Los Angeles, organized by Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) | |
Fulbright State-wide Event “Rising from the Flood” at University of Iowa, on 1st April’ 2017; organized by Iowa Chapter, Fulbright Association, USA. | |
International Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) Symposium, organized by Internations PRRS Symposium Committee on 2nd to 3rd December’ 2011 at Chicago, Illinois, USA | |
Attended in India | |
The XIth Annual Convention of IAVPHS and “International Symposum on One Health: Way Forward to Challenges in Food Safety and Zoonosis” in 21st Century”, organized at GADVASU, Ludhiana from 13th to 14th December’ 2012 | |
International Symposium on “Human Genomics and Public Health” and XXXI Annual Conference of ISHG, held at the National Center for Applied Human Genetics, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, from 27th February to 1st March’ 2006. | |
Fourth Asian Buffalo Congress at New Delhi, India, organized by the Asian Buffalo Association, held from 25th to 28th February’ 2003. | |
Mukhopadhyay CS. 2022. Genomic Characterization of Gaddi breed of Dog to Envisage Molecular Signatures. (Editorial). Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences. 4(10): 1-2. DOI:10.31080/ASVS.2022.04.0507
Mukhopadhyay CS and Singh KP. 2021. Accessing the most informative SNPs for parentage determination in bovines: haplotype and tapered-end SNP analysis. Invited talk presented in Vth Annual Convention of Society of Veterinary Biochemists and Biotechnologists of India (SVBBI) and National Symposium on “Current Challenges for Animal Biochemists and Biotechnologists for Improving Animal Health and Production in Post COVID Scenario" on March 24-25, 2021 organized by College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, DUVASU, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.
Mukhopadhyay CS and Dinesh Kumar. Genome Selection in Animal Science: Concept and Methods. 2016. Presented the invited lecture in the technical session II on 23/02/2016 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm on Advances in Animal Biotechnology and chaired the session for student and faculty talks in the International Conference on Recent Advances in Emerging Technologies (ICRAET-2016), held at Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University (SGGSWU), Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab.
International Journal: | |
Kaur, G., Sharma, D., Bisen, S., Mukhopadhyay CS, Gurdziel K and Singh NK. 2023. Vascular cell-adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) regulates JunB-mediated IL-8/CXCL1 expression and pathological neovascularization. Communications Biology. 6: 516. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-023-04905-z
Contribution in the publication: “provided valuable suggestions” | |
G. Kaur, R Verma, Mukhopadhyay CS, RS Sethi. 2021. Elevated pulmonary levels of Axin2 in mice exposed to herbicide 2, 4‐D with or without endotoxin. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology. 35(12). e22912. https://doi.org/10.1002/jbt.22912
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and manuscript editing
Deka D, Barman NN, Deka N, Batth BK, Singh G, Singh S, Agrawal RK, Mukhopadhyay CS, Ramneek. 2021. Sero-epidemiology of porcine parvovirus, circovirus, and classical swine fever virus infections in India. Trop Anim Health Prod. 53(1):180. doi: 10.1007/s11250-021-02587-5
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and manuscript editing
Behera P, Kaur S, Sethi RS, Mukhopadhyay CS*. 2020. Identification and Validation of Differentially Expressed Genes Via-s-vis Exploration of the Modular Pathways in Diseased Versus Healthy Nili Ravi Water Buffalo. J. Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis. 11:437. DOI: 10.37421/jmbd.2020.11.437
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and manuscript editing
J Singh, JK Dhanoa, RK Choudhary, A Singh, RS Sethi, S Kaur, Mukhopadhyay CS*. 2020. MicroRNA expression profiling in PBMCs of Indian water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) infected with Brucella and Johne’s disease. ExRNA. 2: 1-13 https://exrna.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s41544-020-00049-y
Contribution in the publication: Conceptualization and Supervision of work, bioinformatics analysis and editing of manuscript
Dhanoa JK, Singh J, Singh A, Arora JS, Sethi RS and Mukhopadhyay CS*. 2019. Discovery of isomiRs in PBMCs of diseased vis-à-vis healthy Indian water buffaloes. ExRNA. 1:12 https://doi.org/10.1186/s41544-019-0013-1
Contribution in the publication: Conceptualization and Supervision of work, bioinformatics analysis and editing of manuscript
Grover J, Chhuneja P, Midha V, Ghia JE, Deka D, Mukhopadhyay CS, Sood N, Mahajan R, Singh A, Verma R, Bansal E and Sood A. 2019. Variable Immunogenic Potential of Wheat: Prospective for Selection of Innocuous Varieties for Celiac Disease Patients via in vitro Approach. Front. Immunol. 10:84. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00084
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
Pandit AA, Gandham RK, Mukhopadhyay CS, Verma R and Sethi RS. 2019. Transcriptome analysis reveals the role of the PCP pathway in Fipronil and endotoxin induced lung damage. Respiratory Research. 20(1): 24. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12931-019-0986-1
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
RK Choudhary, S Choudhary, Mukhopadhyay CS, D Pathak, R Verma. 2019. Deciphering the transcriptome of prepubertal buffalo mammary glands using RNA sequencing. Functional & Integrative Genomics: 19(2):349-362. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10142-018-0645-5
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
S Choudhary, W Li, D Bickhart, R Verma, RS Sethi, Mukhopadhyay CS, RK Choudhary. 2018. Examination of the xanthosine response on gene expression of mammary epithelial cells using RNA-seq technology. Journal of Animal Science and Technology. 60(1), 18.
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
G Verma, Mukhopadhyay CS, R Verma, B Singh, RS Sethi. 2018. Long-term exposures to ethion and endotoxin cause lung inflammation and induce genotoxicity in mice. Cell and Tissue Research; 375(2): 493-505.
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis & manuscript editing
Manku HK, Dhanoa JK, Kaur S, Arora JS, Mukhopadhyay CS*. 2017. Biocomputational identification and validation of novel microRNAs predicted from bubaline whole genome shotgun sequences. Comput. Biol. Chem. 70: 96-106. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiolchem.2017.08.005
Contribution in the publication: Conceptualizing the problem, Data Analysis
JK Gill, JS Arora, BVS Kumar, Mukhopadhyay CS, S Kaur, N Kashyap. 2017. Cellular thermotolerance is independent of HSF 1 expression in zebu and crossbred non-lactating cattle. International Journal of Biometeorology 61(9):1687-1693. doi: 10.1007/s00484-017-1350-0.
Contribution in the publication: Funding from project, Data Analysis
M Kaur, Ramneek, Mukhopadhyay CS, JS Arora. 2016. PCR-SSCP and Sequencing of CXCR1 (IL8RA) Gene in Indian Water Buffalo. International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology 4(2), 228-232. DOI: 10.3126/ijasbt.v4i2.15128
Contribution in the publication: Data analysis, partial funding from project
Kaur S, Mukhopadhyay CS, Arora JS and Sethi RS. 2016. Indoxacarb interaction alters immunotoxic and genotoxic potential of endotoxin. J Pesticide Sci., 41(3): 65-70. DOI http://doi.org/10.1584/jpestics.D16-012
Contribution in the publication: Partial funding from project, Data Analysis, Manuscript editing
Singh J, Mukhopadhyay CS*, Kaur S, Malhotra P, Sethi RS, Choudhary RK. 2016. Identification of the MicroRNA Repertoire in TLR-Ligand Challenged Bubaline PBMCs as a Model of Bacterial and Viral Infection. PLoS One. (eISSN 1932-6203) 11(6): e0156598. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0156598.
Contribution in the publication: Conceptualizing the hypothesis and plan of work; Bioinformatics analysis, Supervision of work
KK Dhaliwal, JS Arora, Mukhopadhyay CS and PP Dubey. 2015. In silico characterization of functional divergence of two cathelicidin variants in Indian sheep. Evolutionary Bioinformatics online; (ISSN 1176-9343) 11: 189-196. DOI:10.4137/EBO.S29779
Contribution in the publication: Bioinformatics analysis and editing of manuscript
J Singh, Mukhopadhyay CS*, JS Arora, S Kaur. 2015. Biocomputational Characterization and Evolutionary Analysis of Bubaline Dicer1 Enzyme. Asian Austr. J. Anim. Sci., 28(6): 876-887. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5713/ajas.14.0767
Contribution in the publication: Conceptualization and Supervision of work, bioinformatics analysis and editing of manuscript
Indu Joshi, Sunil Kumar, Arminder Kaur, Mukhopadhyay CS, Dinesh Kumar. 2012. Homology Modeling of Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis ) Interferon-Tau (IFN-tau) Protein. American Journal of Bioinformatics, 1 (2): 79-86. doi:10.3844/ajbsp.2012.79.86
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript checking and improvement
Swati, Gandham VPPS Ravi Kumar, Mukhopadhyay CS*, G.S. Brah, Mira Ansal, R.K. Agrawal, D. Deka and Ramneek. 2012. In silico analysis of evolutionary divergence of TLR9 transcript in Indian major carp Catla catla. Herald J. Biochemistry & Bioinformatics, 1 (1): 8 – 013. http://heraldjournals.org/hjbb/archive.htm
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and Manuscript editing
Mukhopadhyay CS*, A. K. Gupta, B. R. Yadav, I. S. Chauhan, Aparna Gupta, T. K. Mohanty and V. S. Raina. 2011. Effect of cryopreservation on sperm chromatin integrity and fertilizing potential in bovine semen. Livestock Sci. (ISSN 1871-1413) 136: 114-121.
Contribution in the publication: Bench Working and Manuscript writing
M. Khatun, S. Kaur, Kanchan and Mukhopadhyay CS*. 2013. Subfertility Problems Leading to Disposal of Breeding Bulls. Asian Australasian J. Anim. Sci., 26(3): 303-308. http://dx.doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2012.12413.
Contribution in the publication: Planning of work, Data Analysis and Manuscript editing
Mukhopadhyay, C.S*., A. K. Gupta, B. R. Yadav, K. Khate, V. S. Raina, T. K. Mohanty and P. P. Dubey. 2010. Subfertility in Males: An Important Cause of Bull Disposal in Bovines. Asian Australasian J. Anim. Sci. 23(4): 450-455
Contribution in the publication: Bench Working and Manuscript writing
P. P. Dubey, A. Sharma, D. S. Gaur, Prashant, A. Jain, Mukhopadhyay CS, A. Singh, B. K. Joshi and D. Kumar. 2008. Leptin Gene Polymorphism in Indian Sahiwal Cattle by Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP). South African Journal Animal Science, 38(2): 131-136.
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and Manuscript editing
National Journal: | |
Singh P. and Mukhopadhyay CS*. 2022. Evolutionary Analysis of Hemagglutination-Neuraminidase (HN) Protein of Newcastle Disease Virus. Indian Journal of Poultry Science. 57(2): 177-179. DOI : 10.5958/0974-8180.2022.00022.8
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and Manuscript editing
Shende TC, Kaur S, Mukhopadhyay CS, Malhotra P and Kashyap N. 2022. Effect of Parity, Lactation Length and Season of Calving on Milk Production in Nili Ravi Buffaloes Maintained at Livestock Farm GADVASU, Ludhiana. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 56: DOI: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4868.
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript editing
Singh P, Mukhopadhyay CS* and Dash SK. 2022. In silico Prediction of Molecular Docking between Chicken BRD2 and Newcastle Disease Virus Matrix Protein to Elucidate Host-pathogen Interaction. Agricultural Science Digest. Doi 10.18805/ag.D-5508
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and Manuscript editing
Singh K., Mukhopadhyay CS*, Kaur S and Arora JS. 2022. Identification of Microsatellite-Based Markers and Breed-Specific Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Panels for Parentage Assignment in Bovines. Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences. 4(9): 115-128. DOI: 10.31080/ASVS.2022.04.0505 (url: https://actascientific.com/ASVS/ASVS-04-0505.php)
Singh K., Dhanoa JK, Kaur G., Singh R., Verma R. and Mukhopadhyay CS*. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of Dairy Farmers of Punjab, India. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4105046
Brar RPS., Kaur S., Kashyap N., Mukhopadhyay CS, Malhotra P. 2022. Study on effect of various non-genetic factors on performance traits of Murrah buffaloes. Buffalo Bulletin. 41(4): 561-569
Yeotikar PV, Nayyar S, Singh C, Mukhopadhyay CS., Kakkar SS, and Jindal R. 2022. Effect of probiotic and amla powder supplementation on metabolic profile and milk production of summer stressed buffaloes residing in heavy metal polluted areas of Ludhiana. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 56(9): 1110-1118
Manmeet Kaur, C.S. Mukhopadhyay*, Ramneek, R.S. Sethi, Dipak Deka, P.P. Dubey. 2021. Selecting the Best Combination of Adjuvant and the Delivery Vehicle for Optimizing the Th1 and Th2 Biased Responses of NDV Live Vaccine in Indigenous Aseel Chicken. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 36(3): 215-223 DOI: 10.18805/BKAP304.
Yeotikar, PV, Nayyar, S, Singh, C, Mukhopadhyay, CS, Jindal, R., Chhabra, S. 2021. Effect of Environmental Heavy Metal Pollution on Metabolic Profile of Buffaloes in Ludhiana. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. DOI: 10.18805/ajdfr.DR-1738.
Sandhu Y, Mahajan S, Sethi RS, Arora, JS and Mukhopadhyay, CS*. 2021. Differential karyotype profiling of three popular breeds of dogs in India. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences; 90(11): 0367-8318. http://epubs.icar.org.in/ejournal/index.php/IJAnS/article/view/111496
Mukhopadhyay CS*, Singh KP, Kashyap N, Sandhu Y, Singh S. 2020. SWOT analysis to identify important factors influencing dairy farming practices in Punjab. Agricultural Research Journal. 57(5): 769-778. DOI : 10.5958/2395-146X.2020.00112.X
N Dhingra, I Singh, S Dube, Mukhopadhyay CS, R Singh, S Chopra. 2020. A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Acupuncture for Treating Allergic Rhinitis. International J. Contemporary Medical Research. 7(3): C5-C10. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21276/ijcmr.2020.7.3.22
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
M Kaur, CS Mukhopadhyay, JS Arora, JK Dhanoa. 2019. Evolution of Th1 and Th2 biased cytokines in divergent species of animals. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 89(8): 858-860
Contribution in the publication: Project designing & advising; Data analysis
Geetika, SS Sodhi, Mukhopadhyay CS, Ramneek and R S Sethi. 2019. Pulmonary expression of MYCN mRNA following exposure to 2,4-D with or without endotoxin challenge. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 89(11): 1217–1220.
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript Checking
Geetika, Kumar BVS, Mukhopadhyay CS, Ramneek, Sethi RS. 2019. Chronic Dietary Exposures of 2,4-D Alter Pulmonary Expression of MYC-N. Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy. 31 (1): 59-61.
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript Checking
PV Yeotikar, S Nayyar, C Singh, CS Mukhopadhay, SS Kakkar and R Jindal. 2018. Levels of Heavy Metals in Drinking Water, Blood and Milk of Buffaloes during Summer and Winter Seasons in Ludhiana, Punjab (India). Int. J. Pure App. Biosci., 6(2): 1265-1274. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.6416
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
S Rajput, JS Arora, Mukhopadhyay CS, JK Dhanoa, R Verma, RS Sethi, S Singh, BVS Kumar and Sing, ST. 2018. Evolutionary Divergence of CXCR1 (Interleukin-8 Receptor A) Gene of Indian Water. Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Light of Molecular Evolution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40011-018-1058-x
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
R Bhardwaj, R Verma, D Deka, PP Dubey, JS Arora, RS Sethi, TC Tolenkhomba, Mukhopadhyay CS*. 2018. Validation of immunomodulatory effects of lipopolysaccharide through expression profiling of Th1 and Th2 biased genes in Newcastle disease virus vaccinated indigenous chicken. Veterinary World, 11(4): 437-445. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2018.437-445
Contribution in the publication: Conceptualizing the hypothesis and plan of work; data analysis, Supervision of work
AA Pandit, Mukhopadhyay CS, RS Sethi. 2017. Expression of TLR-9 and IL-1 following Concomitant Exposure to Imidacloprid and Endotoxin. Pesticide Research Journal. 29 (2), 243-250
Contribution in the publication: Data analysis
Hussain S, Mukhopadhyay CS*, Sunil Kumar BV & Kaur S. 2016. Phylogenetic characterization of novel cathelicidin from Indian water buffalo. Indian Journal of Biotechnology. 15(4): 495-506
Contribution in the publication: Conceptualizing the hypothesis and plan of work; data analysis, Supervision of work
Dash SK, Nayyar S, Jindal R, Mukhopadhyay CS. 2016. Plasma Enzyme Activities in Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Naturally Exposed to Arsenic Contamination. Indian Veterinary Journal. 93(10): 42-44
Contribution in the publication: Data analysis
RS Sethi, Nidhi, Mukhopadhyay CS, SS Randhawa, Jasdeep Singh, Opinder Singh, Ramneek Verma, SS Singh. 2016. Immunolocalization of pro-inflammatory cytokines in normal and inflamed hoof of buffalo calves. International Journal of Advanced Research. 4(5): 604-613. Doi. 10.21474/IJAR01/402
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and experimental design of real time PCR.
Kaur J, Mukhopadhyay CS*, Dhanoa JK, Sethi RS & Arora JS. 2015. Expression profiling and in silico characterization of bubaline Drosha in light of evolution. Int. J. Adv. Res., 3(11): 2956-66.
Contribution in the publication: Bioinformatics analysis, Supervision of work and manuscript editing
J Singh, Mukhopadhyay CS*, R.S. Sethi & J S Arora. 2015. Correlated expression profiling of dicer1 and tlr genes across bubaline tissues vis-à-vis in PBMCs challenged with tlr agonists. Int. J. Adv. Res., 3(10): 929-939.
Contribution in the publication: Bioinformatics analysis, Supervision of work and manuscript editing
H Jaswal, MS Bal, LD Singla, A Sharma, P Kaur, Mukhopadhyay CS and PD Juyal. 2014. Application of msp1β PCR and 16S rRNA semi nested PCR-RFLP for detection of persistent anaplasmosis in tick infested cattle. Int.l J. Adv. Research. 2(8):188-196.
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
Bhardwaj R, Mukhopadhyay CS*, Deka D, Verma R, Dubey PP, Arora JS. 2016. Biocomputational analysis of evolutionary relationship between toll-like receptor and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptors genes. Vet World. (ISSN 2231-0916); 9(11): 1218-1228. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2016.1218-1228
Contribution in the publication: Conceptualizing the hypothesis and plan of work; data analysis, Supervision of work
Kaur S, Mukhopadhyay CS, Sethi RS. 2016. Chronic exposure to indoxacarb and pulmonary expression of toll-like receptor-9 in mice. Vet World. 9(11):1282-1286. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2016.1282-1286
Contribution in the publication: Partial funding, Data analysis, supervision of work
Pallvi, R.S. Sethi, Mukhopadhyay CS and Ramneek, 2016. Expression of TLR4 mRNA in lungs of mice after single and multiple exposures to poultry barn air. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 86(2): 128-130
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
Pallvi, R. S. Sethi, Nidhi, Shanti Choudhary, Mukhopadhyay CS and Ramneek. 2016. Expression of Type 2 Alveolar Cells in Mice after Single and Multiple Exposure to Chicken Barn Air. Indian J. Vet. Anat.,.28(1): 4-6.
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
Pallvi, Brah GS & Mukhopadhyay C.S. 2016. Microsatellite-polymorphism and association with production traits in Japanese quails. Indian Journal of Poultry Science. 51. 146. 10.5958/0974-8180.2016.00041.6.
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
Geetika Verma, Ramneek, Mukhopadhyay CS and R. S. Sethi. 2016. Acute Ethion Exposure Alters Expression of TLR 9 in Lungs of Mice. Indian J. Vet. Anat. 28(1): 40-43
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
Manpreet Kaur, Ramneek, B K Bansal, Mukhopadhyay CS* and J S Arora. 2015. Status of sub-clinical mastitis and associated risk factors in Indian water buffalo in Doaba region of Punjab, India. Indian Journal of Dairy Science. 68(5): 483-487. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5146/ijds.v68i5.48136
Contribution in the publication: Data analysis and editing of manuscript
Dhanoa, J.K., Mukhopadhyay CS*, Arora, J. S. and Kaur, S. 2016. Expression Profile of Leptin and Aromatase-P450 Genes and Association with Sperm Motility in Fresh Bovine Ejaculates. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci., 86(3): 611-616. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40011-015-0494-0
Contribution in the publication: Supervision of work and editing of manuscript
Kaur, A., Mukhopadyay, CS*, Arora, J.S., Brah, G.S., Kaur, S. and Jamir, C. J. 2014. Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of Holandric Genes and Association with Sperm Nuclear Maturity in Bovines. Indian Journal of Dairy Science. 67(6): 498-503
Contribution in the publication: Supervision of work and editing of manuscript
Bhardwaj, R., Brah, G.S., Arora, J., Kaur, S. and Mukhopadhyay, C.S*. 2015. Cloning and Molecular Characterization of Toll-like Receptor 4 (TLR-4) Gene in Indian Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 85(3): 19-24. http://epubs.icar.org.in/ejournal/index.php/IJAnS/article/view/47302
Contribution in the publication: Designing of project, Supervision of work and editing of manuscript
Hussain, S., Mukhopadhyay CS*, Kumar, B.V.S. and Arora, J. S. 2015. Functional Characterization of Bubaline Recombinant-Cathelicidin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci., 85(4): 965-969. DOI: 10.1007/s40011-014-0452-2
Contribution in the publication: Supervision of work and editing of manuscript
J. Jamir, Mukhopadyay, CS*, J.S. Arora, G.S. Brah, R. Cheema, Manmeet Kaur. 2015. Screening of dairy breeding bulls for chromosomal profile and its andrological attributes. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 49(1): 8-13
Contribution in the publication: Supervised the work & edited the manuscript
V Sangwan, J Mohindroo, A Kumar, Mukhopadhyay CS, N S Saini. 2015. Doppler Ultrasonography of Common Carotid Artery and External Jugular Vein in Healthy and Reticulo-Diaphragmatic Hernia Affected Buffaloes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. 85(3):859–865 (doi: 10.1007/s40011-014-0402-z)
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
Chabukdhara, P., Nayyar, S., Mukhopadhyay CS and Jindal, R. 2014. Liver function profile as Related to Antioxidant Status in Summer Stressed Lactating Buffaloes. The Indian Veterinary Journal. 91(8): 15-17.
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
Kutchy, NA, Mukhopadhyay CS, Brah, GS and Arora, JS. 2014. Identifying molecular and spermatological markers to detect sperm chromatin fragmentation. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 84(3): 267–270
Contribution in the publication: Supervised the work & edited the manuscript
Mamu, G., Brah, G. S., Mukhopadhyay CS*, Deka, D. and Ramneek. 2014. Molecular characterization of mannose-binding lectin protein in chickens. The Ind. J. Anim. Sci., 84(1): 34–36.
Contribution in the publication: Planning of work & Data Analysis
Mathew, E.N., Brah, G.S., Kumar, B.V.S., Mukhopadhyay CS, Dubey, P.P. 2014. Molecular Cloning and Characterization of the Gene Encoding Heat Shock Protein 70 from the Chicken (Gallus gallus ). PNAS, India Sec. B: Biol. Sci., 84: 573–578. 10.1007/s40011-013-0252-0
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis
Swati, Gandham VVPS Ravi Kumar, Gurvinder Singh Brah, Dipak Deka, R. K. Agrawal, Meera D Ansal and Mukhopadhyay CS*. 2013. Differential expression profiling of toll like receptors 3, 4 and 9 genes in major tissues of Indian major carp Catla catla. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 83(9): 983–986.
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and Manuscript editing
J. Singh, Mukhopadhyay CS*, G.S. Brah and S. Saini. 2013. Z-Chromosome Linked Dinucleotide STRs: Association with Reproduction Traits in Chicken. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 48(6): 521-526. DOI:10.5958/0976-0555.2014.00024.7
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and Manuscript editing
Daljit Kaur, Ravi Kant Agrawal*, Mukhopadhyay CS, Deepak Deka and Ramneek. 2012. Phylogenetic Analysis of 32kDa Outer Membrane Protein Gene (lipL32) from Leptospira interrogans serovar Caniclola. The Ind. Vet. J., 89(3): 85-88
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and Manuscript editing
Mukhopadhyay CS*, A K Gupta, B R Yadav and T K Mohanty. 2011. Exploration of Y-chromosome specific markers to discover SNP associated with sub fertility traits in dairy bulls. Indian Journal of Biotechnology. 10: 178-182.
Contribution in the publication: Bench work and Manuscript writing
G.V.P.P.S. Ravi Kumar*, H.N. Pawar, G.S. Brah, Pranav Mathur, M.L. Chaudhary and Mukhopadhyay CS. 2010. Cloning and sequence analysis of chicken toll like receptor-7 expressed sequence tag. Indian Journal of Poultry Science. 45(2): 115-119.
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript editing
Mukhopadhyay CS*, Archana Verma, B. K. Joshi, Avtar Singh and A. K. Chakravarty. 2008. In Vitro Acrosome Reaction: It’s Pertinence in Assessing Fertility of Cryopreserved Semen. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 42(3): 201-204.
Contribution in the publication: Bench Working and Manuscript writing
Mukhopadhyay CS*, Archana Verma, B. K. Joshi and Avtar Singh. 2008. Prediction of Fertility of Crossbred Bulls under Field Conditions using Cryopreserved Semen. Indian Journal of Dairy Science. 61(4): 277-278.
Contribution in the publication: Bench Working and Manuscript writing
Mukhopadhyay CS*, Archana Verma, B.K. Joshi and A. K. Chakravarty. 2008. Association of Sperm Mitochondrial Activity Index with Gross Seminal Parameters and Fertility in Crossbred Bulls. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 42(4): 282-284.
Contribution in the publication: Bench Working and Manuscript writing
Mukhopadhyay CS*, Archana Verma, Rupesh Jain and Nikhlesh Singh. 2008. Sperm Nuclear Chromatin Decondensation Test: It’s Applicability to Predict Fertility of Cryopreserved Semen Samples. Indian Journal of Animal Research 42(4): 285-287.
Contribution in the publication: Bench Working and Manuscript writing
Mukhopadhyay CS* and Archana Verma. 2007. Prediction of fertility of frozen thawed bovine-semen using Hypo osmotic swelling test. Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management. 23(1-4): 77-81.
Contribution in the publication: Bench Working and Manuscript writing
PP Dubey, A. Sharma,D. S Gour, Prashant, A. Jain, Mukhopadhyay CS, Avtar Singh, and D Kumar. 2013. Sequencing, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Identification and Development of Genotyping tests for Leptin Gene in Zebu cattle (Bos indicus).The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 83(6): 61–66.
Contribution in the publication: Data Analysis and Manuscript editing
G.V.P.P.S.Ravi Kumar*, H.N.Pawar, G.S.Brah, Syed.M.Shah, M.L.Chaudhary and CS Mukhopadhyay. 2010. Expression pattern of TLR-7 in chicken tissues by semi-quantitative PCR using experion automated capillary electrophoresis system. Indian Journal of Poultry Science. 45(3): 345-347.
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript editing
G.V.P.P.S.Ravi Kumar*, H.N.Pawar, G.S.Brah, Syed M. Shah, M.L.Chaudhary and Mukhopadhyay CS. 2010. Semi-quantitative differential expression of TLR-5 and TLR-7 in chicken tissues using experion automated capillary electrophoresis system. Indian Journal of Poultry Science. 45(3): 269-272.
Contribution in the publication: Bench work and Manuscript writing
International Journal: | |
Kaur B., Kaur J., Kashyap N., Arora J.S., and Mukhopadhyay C.S.* 2023. A comprehensive review of genomic perspectives of canine diseases as a model to study human disorders. The Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. 87(1):3-8
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript editing
JK Dhanoa, R Verma, RS Sethi, JS Arora, Mukhopadhyay CS*. 2019. Biogenesis and biological implications of isomiRs in mammals- a review. ExRNA. 1: 3. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41544-018-0003-8
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript writing and editing
JK Dhanoa, RS Sethi, R Verma, JS Arora, Mukhopadhyay CS*. 2018. Long non-coding RNA: its evolutionary relics and biological implications in mammals: a review. Journal of Animal Science and Technology 60 (1), 25
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript writing and editing
Geetika Verma, JS Arora, RS Sethi, Mukhopadhyay CS and Ramneek Verma. 2015. Handmade cloning: Recent advances, potential and pitfalls. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 6: 43. DOI: 10.1186/s40104-015-0043-y
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript writing and editing
National Journal: | |
Tewari S, Kaur B, Rana K, and Mukhopadhyay CS* 2023. Differential Perspectives Between miRNA and lncRNA in Light of Biogenesis and Functions: A Review. Extensive Reviews. 3(1): 1-14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21467/exr.3.1.5147
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript editing
Singh K, Dhanoa J, Arora JS, Sethi RS and Mukhopadhyay CS* 2022. Legal Aspects of Paternity Testing in animals and Humans: A Review. Vidhigya: The Journal of Legal Awareness. 16(1-2). 74-86. Online Published on December, 2022. DOI: 10.5958/0974-4533.2021.00013.0
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript editing
Kaur B. and Mukhopadhyay CS* 2022. Bioresearch Highlights on Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), and their Applications. Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences. 4.9: 106-114. URL: https://actascientific.com/ASVS/ASVS-04-0504.php
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript editing
JK Dhanoa, Mukhopadhyay CS*, Arora JS. 2016. Y-chromosomal genes affecting male fertility: A review. Vet World. 9(7):783-91. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2016.783-791.
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript writing and editing
Hussain, S., Mukhopadhyay CS* and Arora, J S. 2014. Applications and Implications of Mammalian Antimicrobial peptides- A review. Agricultural Reviews. 35(4):299-306. DOI: 10.5958/0976-0741.2014.00918.0.
Contribution in the publication: Editing of manuscript
J. Tokas, Mukhopadhyay CS* and Archana Verma. 2011. Self-Renewal of Spermatogonial Stem Cells: the Most Promising Multipotent Cells- a Review. Veterinary world. 4(5): 234-240.
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript writing and editing
Mukhopadhyay CS*, J. Tokas and P. D. Mathur. 2011. Prospects and Ethical Concerns of Embryonic Stem Cells Research-- A Review. Veterinary world. 4(6): 281-286.
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript writing and editing
Mukhopadhyay CS*, G.V.P.P.S. Ravi Kumar and G. S. Brah. 2009. Gallinacin and Fowlicidin: Two Promising Antimicrobial Peptides in Chicken- A Review. Veterinary World. 3(6):297-300.
Contribution in the publication: Manuscript writing and editing
Popular Articles: | |
Tewari S and Mukhopadhyay CS 2022. Essay Writing on the occasion of World Veterinary Day “Dairy farm data recording impact analysis on socio-economic aspects of business”. Pashudhan Praharee. Received Smt. Rajvanshi Devi memorial Award 2022. URL: https://www.pashudhanpraharee.com/dairy-farm-data-recording-impact-analysis-on-socio-economic-aspects-of-business/
Bhawanpreet Kaur, Kanwaljit Rana and CS Mukhopadhyay* 2022. Ancestry, temperament, facts, and grooming of indigenous ‘Gaddi’dog breed. Vet Alumnus. 44(2): 86-88
CS Mukhopadhyay* and Bhawanpreet Kaur 2021. Future of Agriculture- Smart farming (“Khetibari da Bhavikh- Samart Khetibari”: Article in Punjabi). Vigiyanak Pashu Palan. (ISSN: 2319-5428).16(1): 13-14
lh-,l- eq[kksi/;k;] ih-,u- f}osnh] ts-,l- vjksM+k vkSj je.khd oekZ ~ 2017~ Hkkjr esa c<+rk gqvk ty vHkko% lw[ks dh n”kk ds fuiVus ds fy;s d`f’k xfrfof/k;ka- International Journal of Hindi Research. 3(6): 5-8. URL: http://www.hindijournal.com/archives/2017/vol3/issue6
Simarjeet Kaur and Mukhopadhyay C. S. 2018. Role of New Breeding Techniques in Genetic Improvement of Livestock. Punjab Veterinary Journal, 35-39. ISSN: RNI reg. No. CHAENG/2001/8637
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International Conference (Outside India): 2 | |
Dhanoa JK, Singh J, Arora JS, Verma R, Sethi RS, Mukhopadhyay CS 2017. Presented poster (16th Jan’ 2017) on “Identification of isomiRs Vis-à-Vis Functional Classification of the Target-Genes Associated with Brucellosis and Paratuberculosis in Indian Water Buffaloes. In “International Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXV”, at the Town & Country Hotel & Conference Center, San Diego, CA, USA from 14th to 18th January’ 2017
Choudhary S, Choudhary R, Verma R, Sethi RS, Mukhopadhyay CS, Bickhart DM, Li W, Capuco AV 2017. Effects of xanthosine on gene expression of mammary epithelial cells using RNA sequencing of goat milk fat globules. Published in American Dairy Science Association® Annual Meeting (June’ 2017), At Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Volume: J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 100, Suppl. 2
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Kirtypal Singh, Mukhopadhyay C.S., Simarjeet Kaur, and J.S. Arora 2021. Identification of most informative SNPs for parentage assignment in Bovines. Abstract submitted in the International e-Symposium on “Emerging Focus on Immunology in Augmenting Animal and Human Health” during 19th to 20th February 2021.
Y. Sandhu, Mukhopadhyay C.S., S.K. Mahajan, C.S. Randhawa, R.S. Sethi, J.S. Arora and S.S. Sodhi 2021 Comparative karyology album of exotic vis-à-vis Indian Pariah breeds of dog. Abstract submitted in the International e-Symposium on “Emerging Focus on Immunology in Augmenting Animal and Human Health” during 19th to 20th February 2021.
J Singh, JK Dhanoa, JS Arora, RK Choudhary, RS Sethi, Mukhopadhyay CS* 2017. Cataloging the Differentially Expressed MicroRNAs vis-à-vis Identification of IsomiRs in PBMCs of Diseased versus Healthy Indian Water Buffalo. Abstract submitted to the International Workshop on “Genomic Selection for Genetic Improvement in Indian Dairy Animals”, organized by the Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation (BAIF) Development Research Foundation from November 28th to 29th’ 2017 at BAIF, Warje, Pune.
Choudhary S, Choudhary R, Mukhopadhyay CS, Pathak D, Verma R 2017. Transcriptome of prepubertal buffalo mammary gland is dominated by very rarely expressed genes. Poster presented in 27th Annual Meeting of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) (January’ 2017), At AIIMS, New Delhi.
Geetika Verma, Mukhopadhyay CS, Ramneek and RS Sethi 2016. Long term ethion and endotoxin interaction induces genotoxicity and pulmonary damage in mice. In the International Winter School on "Role of Molecular Biology in the disease diagnostics and next generation vaccine" held at GADVASU, Ludhiana in collaboration with University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Kamaljeet Kaur, Mukhopadhyay CS, J S Arora 2014. Biocomputational characterization of Bubaline cathelicidin (CATHL6) in light of molecular evolution. Poster presentation made in the International Conference on Host Pathogen Interactions at NIAB, Hyderabad from 12th -15th July, 2014.
Sarabjot Singh Osahan, Jasdeep Singh, G.S. Brah, J S Arora, Simarjeet Kaur and Mukhopadhyay CS 2013. Evolutionary Perspectives of Dicer I Enzyme in Bovines. Poster Presented in the “First International and Third National Conference on Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering” at Tirupathy, Andhra Pradesh, on 28th -29th June’ 2013. PP. 164.
Vasu Arora, M.A. Iquebal, Sarika, Mukhopadhyay CS, Anil Rai, Dinesh Kumar 2013. In silico identification of putative microRNA from whole genome of sheep using machine learning techniques. Oral Presentation Delivered in the “First International and Third National Conference on Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering” at Tirupathy, Andhra Pradesh, on 28th -29th June’ 2013. PP: 49-50.
Elza N. Mathew, G. S. Brah, B.V. Sunil Kumar and Mukhopadhyay CS 2012. Molecular Cloning and Heterologous Expression of Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70) from Gallus gallus. Poster presented in the XIth Annual Convention of IAVPHS and International Symposum on One Health: Way Forward to Challenges in Food Safety and Zoonosis in 21st Century”, organized at GADVASU, Ludhiana from 13th to 14th December’ 2012.
Manmeet Kaur, Amanpreet Kaur, J. Jamir, J. S. Arora, G. S. Brah, Ranjana Cheema, Simarjeet Kaur and C S Mukhopadyay 2012. Y-Chromosomal STR Loci vis-à-vis Andrological Parameters in Dairy Bulls. Poster presented in the XIth Annual Convention of IAVPHS and International Symposum on One Health: Way Forward to Challenges in Food Safety and Zoonosis in 21st Century”, organized at GADVASU, Ludhiana from 13th to 14th December’ 2012.
Pallvi, G.S. Brah and Mukhopadhyay CS 2012. Exploration of strain specific genomic features in Japanese quails using microsatellite markers. Poster presented in the XIth Annual Convention of IAVPHS and International Symposum on One Health: Way Forward to Challenges in Food Safety and Zoonosis in 21st Century”, organized at GADVASU, Ludhiana from 13th to 14th December’ 2012.
Murigo Laurent, G.S. Brah, Jasdeep Singh and Mukhopadhyay CS 2012. Association of the autosomal and sex-chromosomal micosattelite loci with economic traits in chicken. Poster presented in the XIth Annual Convention of IAVPHS and International Symposum on One Health: Way Forward to Challenges in Food Safety and Zoonosis in 21st Century”, organized at GADVASU, Ludhiana from 13th to 14th December’ 2012.
Rohita Gupta, G. S. Brah, Mukhopadhyay CS, J. S. Arora and N. K. Singh 2012. Differential expression of lipopolysaccharide induced chicken-TLR4 in heterophils. Poster presented in the International Conference on “Sustainable Agriculture for Food and Livestock Security”, organized by Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, from 27th November to 29th November’ 2012 (Page 1429).
Amanpreet Kaur, Jongmatoshi Jamir, Rabia Bhardwaj, Manmeet Kaur, G. S. Brah, J. S. Arora and Mukhopadhyay CS 2012. Investigating the role of holandric genes (USPY and RBMY) in sperm maturity. Poster presented in the International Conference on “Sustainable Agriculture for Food and Livestock Security”, organized by Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, from 27th November to 29th November’ 2012 (Page 1405).
Mukhopadhyay CS, A. K. Gupta, B. R. Yadav, A. Gupta, T. K. Mohanty and V. S. Raina HPLC Detection of 8-Hydroxy 2’-deoxy Guanosine (8-OHdG) in Sperm Nuclear DNA of Subfertile vis-à-vis Healthy bulls. Poster presented in the “XXVI Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists; C L Davis Satellite Seminar on ‘Advanced Descriptive Techniques- Ultrastructure, Cytology and Immunohistochemistry’ and International Symposium on ‘Philosophy of Disease Diagnosis Through Morphological to Biomolecular Approaches’ and Core Theme ‘Diagnostic Pathology’, organized by Department of Veterinary Pathology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana-141004, Punjab, India during October 28-30, 2009 (Page 132).
G.V.P.P.S. Ravi Kumar, H.N. Panwar, P. Mathur, Mukhopadhyay CS and G.S. Brah Expression patterns of Chicken Toll like Receptor- 2, 5 and 7 in different tissues by semi-quantitative PCR. Poster presented in the “XXVI Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists; C L Davis Satellite Seminar on ‘Advanced Descriptive Techniques- Ultrastructure, Cytology and Immunohistochemistry’ and International Symposium on ‘Philosophy of Disease Diagnosis Through Morphological to Biomolecular Approaches’ and Core Theme ‘Diagnostic Pathology’, organized by Department of Veterinary Pathology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana-141004, Punjab, India during October 28-30, 2009 (Page 105).
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JK Gill, JS Arora, B.V. Sunil Kumar, Mukhopadhyay CS and Simarjit Kaur 2016. In vitro analysis showing the linkage between HSF1 and cellular thermos-tolerance in Zebu and crossbred non-lactating cattle., In the 15th convocation NAVS on sustainable livestock development for food and national security: way forward at Khalsa College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Amritsar, Punjab on 22nd-23rd October’ 2016
R. Bhardwaj, R.S. Sethi, J.S. Arora, S. Kaur and Mukhopadhyay CS 2016. Exploration of Evolutionary relatedness between different eukaryotic pathogen recognition receptors using in silico approach. Poster presentation (Poster number -103) and Abstract publication (Abstract No. 133) in National Symposium on Policy Planning for Livelihood Security through Domestic Animal Biodiversity & XIII Annual Convention of Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity, organized during 11th -12th February, 2016 at Division of Animal Genetics & Breeding, FVSAH, SKUAST-Jammu; pp. 248
HK Manku, S Kaur, JS Arora, Mukhopadhyay CS 2016. Biocomputational identification of micro RNAs from bubaline genomic shotgun sequences. (Poster number -105) and Abstract publication (Abstract No. 133) in National Symposium on Policy Planning for Livelihood Security through Domestic Animal Biodiversity & XIII Annual Convention of Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity, organized during 11th -12th February, 2016 at Division of Animal Genetics & Breeding, FVSAH, SKUAST-Jammu; pp. 248
R. Bhardwaj, G. S. Brah, J.S. Arora, R. Verma and Mukhopadhyay CS 2016. Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of bubaline toll-Like receptor 4 (TLR4) coding sequence. Poster and abstract presentation number (Poster No. and Abstract publication No. 2.P.10) in 34th Annual Convention of ISVM & National Symposium on Newer Approaches in Diagnosis and Management of Animal Diseases for Sustainable Health and Production cum Workshop, organized during 17th to 19th February, 2016 at GADVASU, Ludhiana; pp. 65
J. Singh, Mukhopadhyay CS,.JK. Dhanoa, J.S. Arora and S. Kaur 2015. miRNA repertoire of bubaline PBMC obtained from disease tolerant vis-a-vis susceptible buffaloes. Poster presentation (Poster No. AH-14) and abstract publication (Abstract No. ASC2015ABS1418031523) in XII Agricultural Science Congress and Silver Jubilee of National Academy of Agricultural Science, India, organized during 3-6th February 2015, at National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal;.pp. 180.
Pallvi, RS Sethi, Nidhi, Shanti Choudhary, Mukhopadhyay CS, Daljit Kaur, Ramneek, Baljit Singh 2014. Expression of TLR4 mRNA in lungs after single and multiple exposures to poultry barn air. Poster presented in at Integrated Training program in Infectious Disease, Food Safety and Public Policy (NSERC-CREATE) Summer School, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
R S Sethi, Pallvi, NS Ahuja, Nidhi, S Choudhary, Mukhopadhyay CS and Ramneek 2014. Expression of TNF-alpha mRNA and Immunopositive Alveolar Type-2 Cells in Lungs after Single and Multiple Exposures to Poultry Barn Air. Oral presentation made in XXVIII Annual Convention of Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists & National Symposium on “Veterinary Anatomy Vision 2050- Improvement, Challenges and Opportunities in Relation to Animal as well as Human Health Biodiversity, scheduled from 8th to 10th January’ 2014, at the Department of Veterinary Anatomy, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, RUVAS, Bikaner-334001, Rajasthan, India.
Jasdeep Singh, SS Osahan, R. K. Chhabra, JS Arora, Simarjeet Kaur and Mukhopadhyay CS 2014. Structural and functional annotation of bubaline Dicer (RNase III) enzyme. Oral presentation made in the 2nd SVSBT National Seminar scheduled from March 06-07, 2014 at College of Veterinary Science, Mathura.
Mukhopadhyay CS, R K Agrawal, GVPPS Ravi Kumar, H N Pawar, Swati, G.S. Brah and N Mitra 2011. Poster presented in the Bioinformatic Characterization of Gallinacin (Beta Defensin) Genes 1, 2 and 7 in Avians. Poster presented in the National conference on “New horizons in Animal breeding Technologies for Accelerating Livestock Production and Health”; organized by Indian Society of Animal genetics and Breeding and Division of Animal genetics (IVRI) at IVRI, Izatnagar, UP (243122) from 20th to 21st January’ 2011: (Page 156-157).
Swati, G. S. Brah, G.V.P.P.S. Ravi Kumar and Mukhopadhyay CS 2011. Expression profiling of HSP70 and inflammatory cytokine genes(IL-1β and TNFα) in different breeds of chicken peripheral leucocytes under thermal stress by real time polymerase chain reaction. Oral presented in the National conference on “New horizons in Animal breeding Technologies for Accelerating Livestock Production and Health”; organized by Indian Society of Animal genetics and Breeding and Division of Animal genetics (IVRI) at IVRI, Izatnagar, UP (243122) from 20th to 21st January’ 2011 (Page181-182).
D. Kaur, R. K. Agrawal, D. Deka, Ramneek, Mukhopadhyay CS and G. S. Brah2010. Cloning and Expression of Immuno-dominant Outer Membrane Protein LipL32 from Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola. Poster presented in the UGC sponsored National Conference on “Recent Trends in Biotechnology (NCRTB-2010), Organized by Department of Biotechnology, DAV College, Amritsar (Punjab) India 143006 on 1st September’ 2010.
B. R. Yadav and Mukhopadhyay CS Genetic Diversity– Threat and Potential Oral presented in the UGC sponsored national Seminar on “Environmental Stresses and Biodiversity” organized by K.V.A.D.A.V. College for Women, held at Karnal, Haryana, from 8th to 9th November, 2006. (Page 25).
Mukhopadhyay CS, Archana Verma, Jayanti, Arvind, T. C. Tolenkhomba, Nikhlesh K. Singh, and T.K. Mohanty In Vitro Sperm Assessment Tests to Predict Fertility of Bulls. Oral presented in the proceedings of “National Symposium on Characterization, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resource Biodiversity” organized by Indian Science Congress Association, Karnal Chapter in collaboration with NBAGR, held at Karnal, Haryana, from 3rd to 4th February, 2006. (Page 21).
Mukhopadhyay CS, Archana Verma, T. C. Tolenkhomba, Nikhlesh K. Singh, Jayanti, Arvind and A. K. Chakravarty Hypo Osmotic Swelling Test: A Reliable Test to Detect the Sperm Membrane Integrity and Fertility Potential of Bulls. Poster presented in the proceedings of “National Symposium on Characterization, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resource Biodiversity” organized by Indian Science Congress Association, Karnal Chapter in collaboration with NBAGR, held at Karnal, Haryana, from 3rd to 4th February, 2006. (Page 74).
B.R. Yadav, Mukhopadhyay CS, T.C. Tolenkhomba, D.S. Kale, R.K. Tonk and A.K. Gupta Genomic Markers for Characterization and Improvement in Dairy Animals. Oral presented in the proceedings of “National Symposium on Characterization, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resource Biodiversity” organized by Indian Science Congress Association, Karnal Chapter in collaboration with NBAGR, held at Karnal, Haryana, from 3rd to 4th February, 2006. (Page 32).
B.R. Yadav, T.C. Tolenkhomba, Mukhopadhyay CS, D.S. Kale, R.K. Tonk, A.K. Gupta, Raman Seth and Dheer Singh Genomic Markers and their utilization for exploitation of reproductive potential in Livestock. Oral presented in the proceedings of “Symposium on Frontiers in Reproduction: Concepts and Applications in Genomic era & 16th Annual Meeting of the Indian Society for the study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF)” organized by Animal Biochemistry Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana, in coordination with Karnal Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Karnal, Haryana, from 23rd to 25th February, 2006. (Page 39).
Mukhopadhyay CS, Archana Verma, N. S. Sirohi and N. K. Singh Sperm Mitochondrial Activity Index: A Simple Test to Detect the Fertilizing Potential of Semen Samples. Poster presented in the proceedings of “Symposium on Frontiers in Reproduction: Concepts and Applications in Genomic era & 16th Annual Meeting of the Indian Society for the study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF)” organized by Animal Biochemistry Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana in coordination with Karnal Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Karnal, Haryana, from 23rd to 25th February, 2006. (Page 111).
Mukhopadhyay CS and Archana Verma Impact of Nuclear Chromatin Decondensation Test on Fertilizing Potential of Bulls. Poster presented in the proceedings of “VIII National Conference on Animal Genetics and Breeding (National Livestock Breeding Policy)” organized by “Indian Society of Animal Genetics and Breeding” at CIRG, Makhdoom, Mathura, U.P. from 8th to 10th March, 2005. (Page 177).
Mukhopadhyay CS and Archana Verma Predicting Bull Fertility Using In Vitro Parameters under Field Conditions. Poster presented in the proceedings of “National Symposium on Domestic Animal Diversity: Status, Opportunities and Challenges”, organized by Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity and NBAGR, held at Karnal, Haryana, from 10th to 11th February, 2005. (Page 173).
Mukhopadhyay CS and Verma, A. Assessment of Fertility Vis-À-Vis Chromosomal Anomalies in Crossbred Bulls. Poster presented in the proceedings of “Trends in Molecular and Applied Approaches to Reproduction & 15th Annual Meeting of ISSRF” organized by IICB and Institute of Reproductive Medicine, held at Kolkata from 4th to 6th February, 2005. (Page 109).
Program Officer of National Service Scheme (NSS) wing of the B. Tech. (Biotechnology) students of the College of Animal Biotechnology, GADVASU, Ludhiana (2017 onwards).
Member of Disciplinary Committee of the College of Animal Biotechnology, GADVASU, Ludhiana.
Nominee of Director of Research for Purchase.
Representative of Dean PGS Nominee for verification of Program of Work of PG Students.
Member Anti-ragging Committee of the University.
- Advanced Computation: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep learning algorithms using Python.
- Languages: R, PERL, C, C++, C#, Java, SQL, Fortran, HTML.
- Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Software: Primer3; ClustalW and X; PhyliP and MEGA 6; POPGENE 3.0; DNASTAR; SYSTAT, SPSS, GraphPad PRISM etc.
- Bioinformatics: Molecular Evolution, Basic Bioinformatics Study, Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis.
- Genomic Selection Analysis: GenSel Software.
- Genomics: DNA isolation from various tissues and cells, bacteria and plasmids; PCR; Agarose Gel Electrophoresis and Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (Denaturing and Native); Microsatellite analysis; PCR-RFLP; PCR-SSCP; RNA isolation, RT-PCR
- HPLC: Estimation of 8-OHdG in bovine sperm DNA using C-18 partisphere column and UV-detector.
- Cell Culture: Cell cultures; Karyotyping; Chromosome banding techniques; Fibroblasts tissue culture, in vitro culture and in vitro maturation of oocytes; transfection.
- Semen Biology: Gross semen analysis; Methylene Blue Reduction Test; Hypo osmotic Swelling Test, Nuclear Chromatin Decondensation Test; In Vitro Acrosome Reaction Test; Sperm Mitochondrial Activity Index; Aniline Blue Assay; Comet Assay; Sperm Nuclear Dispersion Test; Chromomycin A3 Assay.
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- Strong conceptual, logical, and presentation skills.
- Strong work commitment and self-motivated.
- Good interpersonal skills with ability to work in a team.
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